Michael anak Kenyalang Profile

Travel has always been my passion, and fortunately, became my job. It appears that most of the Heritage Sites are the major tourist spots in a country, so I started counting in 2012 when I went on my first Europe Grand Tour.

Visited Sites Michael anak Kenyalang

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Recent Reviews Michael anak Kenyalang


Michael anak Kenyalang Malaysia - 27-Mar-19


I visited in December 2017 from Shiraz, taking the local bus at 2pm and arrived around 9pm.

I stayed at a local caravanserai not far from the Jame Mosque. So the first thing to do in the morning after the warm chai was to visit the Jame Mosque. It's situated in the city center with two tall Shia minarets, the tallest in Iran at 45 meters. Other than that the mosque itself was not that impressive, probable due to the worn out pale colour of the mosaic and ceilings. My main interest in that building was to look for the Zarch Payab (The Persian Qanat WHS) that took me a while to locate it. The was a signpost next to the staircase leading all the way down to the bottom with dimming light. But I was a bit disappointed when I reached the bottom where the big well was situated, as the water was not flowing and it looked it hadn't been used for a long time

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Gombak Selangor Quartz Ridge (T)

Michael anak Kenyalang Malaysia - 23-Mar-19

Gombak Selangor Quartz Ridge (T)

I visited in a very hot day on March 2019. I actually stay not far from the quartz ridge (around 6 km) where I get to see it everyday from my condominium balcony. But I never have time, and most importantly, friend with the same interest to discover this interesting geological formation. So only recently I managed to tick off this tentative list. 

There are two entry points to start off depends on you fitness

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Seruwila to Sri Pada pilgrim route (T)

Michael anak Kenyalang Malaysia - 18-Feb-19

I visited in August 2017. I've read quite a lot of reviews saying that it's raining season, mating season for animals and off season where the temple of footprint is closed. But I decided to go simply because the Peak Wilderness Sanctuary is a part of WHS and set it as a goal to reach the top.

We started off late at 4am expecting not to see the sunrise because we saw the peak was surrounded by cloud the day before and knew that there won't be any sunrise. We also started light only with our rain jackets, a bottle of of water that we barely drink due to the rain, and our smartphone as torchlight as there's no light on the road.

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Lenggong Valley

Michael anak Kenyalang Malaysia - 18-Jan-19

Lenggong Valley

Visited the multiple sites in January 2019. I was invited by the Lenggong Museum authority to join an expedition on training the local guides. We started from the archaeological museum where the Kota Tampan site is situated. The museum is now reopened after two years of renovation with first floor containing artefacts and the famous Perak Man skeleton. The second floor is more to general information and two suevites with stone axes from Bukit Bunuh, evidence to proof that Lenggong was occupied as early as 1.83 million years ago, the earliest outside Africa. The Kota Tampan site behind the museum was a bit disappointing as the roof that covered the site was being torn down by the monkeys and the site got flooded after the rain.

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Joya de Ceren

Michael anak Kenyalang Malaysia - 11-Dec-18

Joya de Ceren

I visited this WHS in September 2016 during my Latin Grand Tour which last for 7 months. This is a very interesting WHS as most of the WHS in Latin America are related to Aztec, Mayan, Inca or Spaniards glory history, and Joya de Ceren is more to the daily life of the Pre-Columbian Mayan 1400 years ago. The ashes from the nearby Loma Caldera volcano eruption covered and preserved the site in time capsule, just like Leon Viejo and Pompeii.  

I recommend to visit the museum first before entering the archaeological site so that one will have a better understanding of what's in the archaeological zone

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Profile Data

Michael anak Kenyalang
Most Impressive
Rapa Nui, Galapagos Islands, Machu Picchu, Egypt Pyramids, Komodo Islands, Borobudur.
Borneo Tropical Rainforest, Borneo; Sarawak Dayak Longhouses, Borneo; Bagan, Myanmar; Plain of Jars, Laos.

Recently Visited WHS

Update 19.11.19

9 Countries Complete

El Salvador . Estonia . Holy See . Laos . Moldova . Nicaragua . Paraguay . Singapore . Sri Lanka .

Rating Stats
Angkor 5
Bagan 5
Chavin 5
Copán 5
Cuzco 5
Hoi An 5
Iguacu 5
Jeju 5
Kandy 5
Rome 5
Sintra 5
Uxmal 5
Chan Chan 4.5
Avila 4
Belem 4
Potosi 4
Prague 4
Quito 4
Riga 4
Toledo 4
Lima 3.5
My Son 3.5
Novgorod 3.5
Segovia 3.5
Sucre 3.5
Tallinn 3.5
Yaroslavl 3.5
Yazd 3.5
Bolgar 3
Macao 3
Puebla 3
Vat Phou 2.5
Hué 2
Susa 2
  1. Alexandria, ancient remains and the new library (T)
  2. Ancient cities of Upper Myanmar : Innwa, Amarapura, Sagaing, Mingun, Mandalay (T)
  3. Ancient Ruin of Drukgyel Dzong (T)
  4. Archaeological Site and Historic Centre of Panamá City (T)
  5. Centre historique d'Irkoutsk (T)
  6. City Walls of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (T)
  7. Cretaceous Dinosaur Fossil Sites in the Mongolian Gobi (T)
  8. Dahab (T)
  9. Dali Chanshan Mountain and Erhai Lake Scenic Spot (T)
  10. Desert Landscapes of the Mongolian Great Gobi (T)
  11. Dzongs: the centre of temporal and religious authorities (Punakha Dzong, Wangdue Phodrang Dzong, Paro Dzong, Trongsa Dzong and Dagana Dzong) (T)
  12. El Fayoum (T)
  13. Fenghuang Ancient City (T)
  14. FRIM Selangor Forest Park (T)
  15. Gebel Qatrani Area, Lake Qaroun Nature Reserve (T)
  16. Gombak Selangor Quartz Ridge (T)
  17. Guano Islands, Islets, and Capes National Reserve System (T)
  18. Historical Lisbon, Global City (T)
  19. Inle Lake (T)
  20. La Rambla (promenade maritime) de la Cité de Montevideo (T)
  21. Lake Titicaca (T)
  22. National Park (Taman Negara) of Peninsular Malaysia (T)
  23. Oasis of Fayoum, hydraulic remains and ancient cultural landscapes (T)
  24. Persepolis and other relevant buildings (T)
  25. Protected area of Lake Atitlán: multiple use (T)
  26. Ring of cenotes of Chicxulub Crater, Yucatan (T)
  27. Route of Magellan (T)
  28. Sacred Sites associated with Phajo Drugom Zhigpo and his descendants (T)
  29. Sacred Titicaca Lake (T)
  30. Salt Mines of Maras (T)
  31. Seruwila to Sri Pada (Sacred Foot Print Shrine), Ancient pilgrim route along the Mahaweli river in Sri Lanka (T)
  32. Shush (T)
  33. Shwedagon Pagoda on Singuttara Hill (T)
  34. Silk Route (Also as Silk Road) (T)
  35. Site of Southern Yue State (T)
  36. South of Ricaurte Province (T)
  37. Sungai Buloh Leprosarium (T)
  38. Taq-e Bostan (T)
  39. Tayrona and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta National Parks and their Archaeological Sites (T)
  40. That Luang de Vientiane (T)
  41. The Caspian Shore Defensive Constructions (T)
  42. The Colonial Transisthmian Route of Panamá (Ruta Colonial Transístmica de Panamá) (T)
  43. The Historic Centre of Cajamarca (T)
  44. The Old Town of Jakarta (T)
  45. The Zandiyeh Ensemble of Fars Province (T)
  46. Town of Chichicastenango (T)
  47. Trakai Historical National Park (T)
  48. Wooden Structures of Liao Dynasty - Wooden Pagoda of Yingxian County, Main Hall of Fengguo Monastery of Yixian County (T)